Corporate governance

        1.Corporate governance structure and system




  2.Board of Shareholders


  The board of shareholders is the company’s organ of power which makes decisions on the company’s major issues according to the law, including the company’s business policies and investment plans, considers and approves the company’s annual financial budget and accounting plans and the company’s plans of profits distribution and losses makeup, elects and replaces the directors and supervisors and decides their remunerations and revises the articles of the company and the rules of procedure for the board of shareholders, the board of directors and the board of supervisors.


  3.Board of Directors and the special committees


  The board of directors is assigned as the centre of the company’s operational decision. Entrusted by the board of shareholders, the board of directors is in charge of the operation and management of the company’s legal properties and responsible for the board of shareholders. The board consists of 9 directors, with executive, non-executive and independent non-executive directors each three. There are a chairman and a secretary of the board. There are the audit and risk management committee, the remuneration and evaluation committee, the nomination committee, and the strategy committee under the board. Over half of the members of the audit and risk management committee, the remuneration and evaluation committee and the nomination committee are independent directors. And all members of the audit and risk management committee are independent directors. Each committee under the board has formulated working rules and observed the rules seriously in their work.


    4.Board of Supervisors


  The board of supervisors consists of representatives from staff members, shareholders and independent supervisors. Shareholder representatives are selected and dismissed by the board of shareholders and staff member representatives are selected by all staff members in a democratic manner. Currently the board of supervisors consists of 5 persons, of which 2 are from staff members, 2 from shareholders and 1 is independent supervisor. A chairman is assigned and no supervisor is at the same time acting as the company’s director, general manager or vice general manager or financial leader.


  5.Senior Management staff


  Senior management staff like the general manager is in charge of organizing the company’s operational management activities. The general manager acts according to the laws, regulations and rules and the articles of the company within the scope of the authority delegated by the board of shareholders and the board of directors.


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