DSS: Decision Support System for Cargo Operation
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  The decision support system (DSS) is a cargo statistics and analysis system for senior management staff in aviation companies and airport cargo terminals. User-friendly and easy to operate, the system provides analyses in tables and graphs, and it can carry out overall macro-analysis of cargo transportation as well as specific analysis of micro cargo statistics, meeting the needs of management staff for decision-making data analysis of cargo operation. It can analyze the status of cargo transport operation at various levels and from different perspectives. Through time series analysis, comparative analysis, trend forecasting and other analysis and forecasting methods, DSS can make statistical analysis of enterprise data, and show the results to the management directly with tables and graphs, therefore helping them to grasp the status of cargo transport and provide strong support for decision making.


  The useful statistical functions of DSS can analyze the existing and historical data of companies from a macro perspective, providing strong support for the macro decision-making of companies. With the help of DSS, company managers can obtain a clear and visual understanding of the operation state of the companies, knowing what the driver of profit is and where the competitiveness lies, and they can also find the advantages and weakness of their companies so as to take corresponding measures to improve. In these statistical functions, data can be analyzed by selecting different parameters and menu trees, and the smooth transition from macro to micro can be realized. Moreover, the analysis can be classified in a detailed manner so that the data can be analyzed at different levels and corresponding analysis graphs can be obtained.





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