Training Content

     The training that TravelSky provides is separated into orientation training for new comers, “TravelSky Classroom” series for the general staff, training for key-position staff, training for medium-level and senior management. Besides presentation, experience-based training, seminar and lecture, TravelSky offers outward bound, mutual exchanges with overseas institutions, ELearning and position shifts.

·Orientation training for new comer

     As a knowledge and mental preparation for college graduates before actually starting to work, orientation training, through intensive learning of basic business knowledge, helps new staff elevate their professional qualifications, know more about the company and shift roles smoothly. Methods include concentrated, closed, and quasi-military management mode; contents include outward bound, commercial ritual, career development, basic knowledge on civil aviation and basic corporate business.

·TravelSky Classroom” series for the general staff

     “TravelSky Classroom” training aims to popularize basic training and emphasize professional training, and focuses on improving staff qualifications and technical skills. Based on varied levels and categories, sci-tech training provides internal corporate training such as operating system, database, net security and software design as well as other outsourcing public classes to improve employees’ professional skills. Safety awareness education stresses the implementation of work safety procedures to strengthen the safety awareness of the staff. Training for branch staff adopts the model of “point to area demonstration” and “door-to-door delivery of experiences”.

·Training for key staff

      Training for key-position staff aims at corporate business and development of professional managers, focuses on improving their managerial expertise and grasping customer service needs so as to achieve corporate objectives. Through outsourcing business exchanges and personalized training, the company offers professional courses such as from technology to management, team building and project management with the aim of improving the IT management, customer needs research and software design capabilities of key staff so as to be informed of forefront industrial development trend and customer needs.

·Training for medium-level and senior management

      Rotation training for medium-level management aims at unity of thinking and building of corporate concept focuses on improvement of strategic execution and team leading ability. Senior management training is oriented toward the strengthening of strategic change management, with improving comprehensive qualities as its core, so as to enhance the corporate governance and team building ability. Advanced courses include strategic management, leadership art, change management, corporate governance and execution ability to help senior management build an interactive platform to implement corporate strategies.









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