Training Concept

         Human is one of the most important resources for an enterprise. TravelSky pays much attention to the development and cultivation of talents and creates a platform for staffs through constructing learning organization. We advocate human-oriented concept to encourage every staff to challenge individual capacities, motive the enthusiasm of the staffs, endeavor to build up TravelSky into a brand enterprise “to make achievements and realize value through attracting, uniting, and cultivating talents”. The Company aims at improving the staffs’ career skills through establishing system for its staffs’ career development to guarantees that the staffs acquire the adaption and execution required by the Company’s strategic adjustment, and then to provide adequate and integrated human resource for the Company’s long-term development.


     TravelSky’s Training Concept: Training is a kind of “human-oriented investment” that a company cannot afford to neglect. It is the vitality a company needs to prosper. TravelSKy takes capacity improvement as its mainline and talent development as its goal while focusing on employees’ career development and striving for common growth with its staff. Through arranging theme trainings to further advocate the Company’s development strategy, promote the Company’s cultural construction, publicize and implement the Company’s cultural values, unify the idea of management and staffs and fully function as learning orientation for the staffs. The Company aims at creating an effective training system through institutional improvement, where organization is systematic; all of work is arranged; every requirement is offered with specific target; and each assessment will offer a result


TravelSky views human resources as its primary resources
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