Brief Introduction to Human Resources

TravelSky always views human resources as its primary resource, explores advanced HR management and development, and tries to be innovative so that the human resources could meet the needs of corporate’s reform and growth. TravelSky practices personnel employment system, staff training and assessment system while reforming bonus allocation mechanism to inspire employees’ enthusiasm and creativity, improve efficiency and optimize human resources.

  TravelSky always focuses on recruiting university graduates and high-level personnel with rich job experiences, improves recruitment standards and long-term mechanism, and attracts talents through diverse channels. TravelSky holds several recruitment sessions in over 40 universities each year, boosting the overall influence of the company in universities. And TravelSky’s prospering development and competitive incentive mechanism attracted thousands of outstanding college graduates and high-caliber talents with job experiences to apply. Based on business development and actual needs, the company has altogether employed over 1,000 people in the past 5 years after careful selections. Among them, over 800 are newly graduated students from universities; more than 200 have job experiences; and over 10 are returned talents from overseas. By June 30, 2011, TravelSky has 4,364 employees. 90% of them have associate degree or above, including 11 holders of doctorate. And the talent team is very young, and the average age of the staff is about 29.

  TravelSky always focuses on every staff’s career development. We firmly believe that the construction of human resource structure determines the development of the enterprise. To build up a high-quality team of personnel, especially of top software developers, the Company accelerates the cultivation and training of talents to achieve the common development of individuals and the enterprise by holding events including orientation training for new comers, “TravelSky Classroom” series for the general staff, training for key-position staff, and training for medium-level and senior management, and adopting the forms of in-service training, job rotation, talent exchange, and serving temporary positions. By June 30, 2011, through self-dependent cultivation of the Company, over 550 staffs of the Company have successively obtained intermediate professional titles, and more than 50 staffs of the have obtained senior professional titles. Given the characteristics of software developers’ career, the Company has established technical position sequence for them and structured a set of step-by-step cultivation plan for talents from primary engineers to chief experts. 

  Thanks to hard struggles of many years, TravelSky has built up a high-quality team of talents. They possess high professional skills and strong sense of market development, learn the importance of teamwork and overall interests, are good at operation and management, and have the courage to struggle and face tough battles. The team is the most precious wealth and the most important strategic resource of TravelSky. The undertakings of Travel Sky belong to all of the staffs and need the struggle and efforts of the staffs. Let’s work together to build up TravelSky into a leading provider of information technology and commercial service in China’s air travel and tourism industry, and help it go out as a world-class company with international competitiveness.

Training Concept    
Training is a kind of "human-oriented investment"that a company cannot afford to neglect. It is the vitality a cmpany needs to prosper
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