InfoPub: A Cargo Tracking and Information Publishing Subsystem
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Designed for aviation companies, airports, cargo agents and other companies or departments, InfoPub provides various types of information services to cargo owner. When dealing with the exchange of information between companies and cargo owners, InfoPub provides services like Web publishing, EMAIL and SMS to meet end users’ requirements for information inquiry. Connected with other existing products of InfoSky, including iCargo, CFPS, InfoLogis, InfoPub can work closely with the practical business processes, informing the status of cargo transportation to the owner in a timely manner. To meet practical requirements, the client of InfoPub can run on any business in any relevant department, and the owner can obtain the information about cargoes, such as departure, loading, arrival and transit.


  The main function of SMS publishing is to send SMSs to consignees or consignors at the arrival or departure of cargos so that they can obtain accurate information in a timely manner. SMSs can be sent at the request of mobile users, and the content of the SMS includes the information about cargo arrival, departure, transit, flight and so on. In terms of a single SMS, the content includes the name of the companies sending the SMS and the information about waybill, flight, conveying state, etc. The SMS can be either in Chinese or in English, and conveying state of cargoes can be sent through emails.




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