ICargo: A New Generation of Air Cargo Management System
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  ICargo is a management system of core business as well as a core software product of the integrated solution for aviation companies.


  ICargo fully supports the information management of sales and marketing, with customer management and cargo price management at its core. It also supports the information operation of arrivals and departure business and warehouse business, meeting the needs of front-line operational workers. Meanwhile, iCargo meets the needs of quality controllers, ensuring that quality controllers from aviation companies and their business departments monitor the operations in a timely, accurate and comprehensive manner. Combined with other InfoLink products, iCargo supports automatic generation, receiving and analysis of messages, meeting the needs of internationalized operation.


  With a four-layer structure, iCargo adopts the most advanced technology of Smart Client, supporting the Internet and the wide area network within the company. Due to upgrading, its client needs no maintenance, and the speed of wide-area processing is much higher than that of traditional browsers, thus providing IT guarantee for the application of aviation companies.


  The application of iCargo helps aviation companies to improve their cargo marketing capacity, client service quality, operational efficiency and quality control, respectively through informatization of cargo sales, client service, freight business and cargo monitoring. It also helps improve cargo business assistance by automating information exchange and enhance the level of decision-making and analyzing and reducing risks by informatization.


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