CFPS Lite: A Cargo Management System for Small and Medium Airports Based on an Open Platform
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  CFPS Lite is a cargo management system for small and medium airports. Based on many years’ experience of cargo system development, design and implementation, it combines the operation requirements and basic management needs of small and medium airports. With low costs and independent research and development, it works as an information processing and management system based on an open platform.


  A small or medium airport functions as a ground cargo handling agent as well as a freight space sales agent. CFPS Lite fully supports the business of ground cargo handling and agency. It can be applied for information management in cargo collection, stowage, loading, arrival, delivery, transit, storage and so on. The application of CFPS Lite makes it easy for airports and cargo consignees or consignors to inquire cargo information and simplifies the heavy business statistical work of airports. Besides, CFPS Lite realizes data exchange and information sharing between cargo production systems and other terminal systems by providing message interfaces, meeting the needs of users to trace cargoes and cooperate with other terminals.




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