Aviation Logistic Information Service Platform (LISP)
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  LISP is an aviation logistics information service platform for data exchange between aviation logistics participants. Built on Travelsky’s information network and adopting professional middleware technology, it provides users with a widely-covered, efficient and secure data communication network, achieving a variety of data exchange services.


  LISP can realize the IATA standard messaging exchange between the terminals of different aviation companies, and can automatically analyze and process messages. It includes functions such as flight change, application for cargo booking in through flights, cargo status updating, irregular cargo handling.


  By using LISP, users can exchange data internally and share data externally.


  If LISP is accessed by users through multiple nodes, data exchange can be realized between nodes through LISP, which is significant for the development of companies. If users sign an agreement of data exchange in the same LISP for sharing parts of their data, especially business data, the logistics chain will be greatly integrated and the users’ competitiveness will be increased at the same time, which is the significance of LISP for improving the logistics chain.


  Many sets of finished software of InfoSky can provide all participants in logistics chain with necessary applications to effectively manage relevant business activities. Those sets of software can offer a channel for sharing information on the basis of LISP so as to realize e-commerce of companies in the logistics chain. Accessing LISP means not only that users can exchange data, but also that they can obtain support form finished software in many respects and higher applications based on LISP.




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