E-Cargo: A Cargo E-commerce System
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  E-Cargo is committed to provide an e-commerce platform to aviation companies, airport cargo terminals and other aviation logistics companies.


  In E-Cargo, companies are managers of online business, their clients (cargo agents, regular shipper, etc.), branches and partners in different places are authorized users, and those who have access to the Internet are ordinary users of E-Cargo. Through the comprehensive functions and reliable mechanism of E-Cargo, companies can meet the needs of ordinary users to inquire information, and can enable authorized users to participate in businesses, realizing interaction and cooperation between companies, clients and partners. From the perspective of companies, E-Cargo expands their business and management system into an information system located in the Internet. Moreover, it offers service interfaces at the level of application for the inter-connection between companies, and thus information exchange can be realized between companies while the system of companies that are not clients of InfoSky can also use services provided by E-Cargo in accordance with certain standards.


  Its core business and services include class sales sub-system, cargo transportation management sub-system, information services and so on.


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