InfoLink: An Interface for Internal and External Exchange of Information (Data Exchange Platform)
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  InfoLink, a data exchange platform designed by InfoSky for aviation logistics users, provides data exchange between internal and external applications and business systems. The system adopts the most advanced and popular three-tier architecture design and plug-in interface application, fully guaranteeing the strong independence and scalability of the system. It integrates the main interfaces from current aviation logistics and supports various middleware data transfer from standard messaging, offering a variety of message exchange formats which can be tailor-made according to the specific needs of users. It is an ideal product for integrated information exchange between systems, and avoids information isolation.


  As an important part of the comprehensive aviation logistics solutions of InfoSky, InfoLink provides users of aviation companies, airport cargo terminals, agents and logistics parks with a platform of information share and data exchange between business systems of users and other internal and external application systems.


  Perfectly connected with other products of InfoSky, InfoLink is currently a common solution of InfoSky for data exchange and information share between aviation logistics products.




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