Cargo Front-end Processing System (CFPS) for Airport Cargo Terminals
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Designed mainly for airport cargo terminals, CFPS is rich in functions and provides multi-level, effective and comprehensive solutions. Based on an open platform in China, this system is currently the most advanced business processing system for airport cargo terminals. Its database is based on the latest Oracle database technology on a cross-platform, providing a user-friendly graphical interface, which can quickly process and respond to the business needs of airport cargo terminals.


  CFPS enjoys rich functions, supporting businesses of airport cargo terminals such as domestic and international port clearance and arrival, ULD, store management, freight rates, statistics and finance.


  CFPS is an integrated managing system which avoids repeated work and high error rate, and realizes cooperation and information share between departments. It optimizes internal resources of companies and improves the handling and management of business data, thus greatly enhancing the market competitiveness of companies.


  Judging the daily changing modern logistics industry with a developing view, the design of CFPS combines the traditional logistics industry and modern information technologies, and leaves enough space for the development of companies.


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