Data Reports on Market Resources for Airports
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  As airport management shifts from operational to managerial, airports are increasing their efforts on marketing, and their orientation and planning will directly determine their position in the future national airline network. Making development plan and opening new routes are currently the most important managerial work of airports. Analysis on aviation market resources is an important basic research for airports to making effective development plan and successfully opening new routes.


  There are three types of data reports on market resources for airports:


  First, overall analysis that gives airports an overview of the market condition;


  Second, analysis on domestic market, which aims at analyzing all of the domestic air routes, including analyses on domestic passenger flow, domestic transit passenger flow, and domestic transit passenger flow of the airport;


  Third, analysis on international market, which aims at all of the international air routes, including analyses on international passenger flow, international transit passenger flow, and international transit passenger flow of the airport.


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