Baggage Reconciliation System (BRS)
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  The baggage reconciliation system collects all the relevant information for baggage delivery and manages the baggage sorting for airports and aviation companies in an easy, seamless and flexible manner.


  The front-end of the system can manage baggage delivery and sorting with advanced mobile POCKET PC, with main functions including baggage sorting, delivery, baggage supplement when boarding, and baggage express delivery sorting, which helps ground service staff to load and unload corresponding baggage, improve the speed, puts an end to wrong baggage delivery and abnormal baggage loading, and provides complete information for baggage finding and delivery.


  The background of the system provides real-time monitoring and various statistics analysis for baggage, thus offering strong evidence to decision makers. Meanwhile, it monitors and evaluates the work of baggage sorter, thus efficiently allocating and managing baggage sorting works.


  Airports with full-automatic baggage sorting system can implement sorting management for baggage that cannot be recognized by computer, with this system rather than manual labor, which is an effective complement for automatic baggage sorting.


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