AOC Lite: Operation System of Medium and small Airport
Release Date:2014-06-24 字体大小:  A+      A-


  On the basis of the generalities of ground business handling in China’s medium and small airports, AOC Lite implements a centralized management for flight information management, resource allocation, flight information display, public address, safety inspection as well as all information about the above-mentioned business. It also offers operational support to airport users.


  Offered by AOC Lite, flight control, flight information display, public address and security services are operated in centralized-controlling environment outside the airport. All of these departments are access to shared data, and they offer relative services through network connections with different airports.


  Through centralized service model, airports no longer need costly server appliances, thus effectively reducing maintenance costs for users.


  Relying on computing, AOC Lite can achieve the optimization of airport business process analysis, resource usage statistics, profits calculation, etc.




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