Security Management Information System (SMIS)
Release Date:2014-06-24 字体大小:  A+      A-


  The security management information system offers comprehensive, secure, accurate, convenient, reliable solutions for airport security supervision. It is conducive to raising the standards of security supervision and improves the security service quality, thus building an effective information management platform for security supervision.


  The main task of SMIS is to manage the processes from passenger check-in to passenger boarding, among which are passenger check-in management, passenger security management, baggage security management, management for baggage delivery and opening carry-on baggage, twice confirmation management for passenger boarding and the correspondence between passenger and video when every process passing security system interface, as well as employee information management, field management, attendance management, post management, employment management, monitoring management, etc.


  The security information management system and AMB products are of close integration in the solutions offered by SMIS.


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