API Information System
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  API means the information of passenger, crew and non-crew members, reported by aviation companies to the destination state government through network and used for record and check by the relevant departments before the airplane entering the country.


  Since the Implementation Measures for Forecasting of the Information of the Personnel Carried by International Flights (Order No. 99 of the Ministry of Public Security) took effect in May 2008, TravelSky has been appointed by the Ministry of Public Security to receive, store and manage the API information sent through the SITA network or the Internet. Therefore, TravelSky has built the ADAPIS system for receiving and handling API information, and has been providing carriers of international routes with services like inquiring API information handling results through API portal websites in China.


  The API information system is the unified information source and business supporting platform for three port joint inspection units in China, and it keeps close contact with the work flow of the port joint inspection units. The system is extended to the aircraft e-filing system of Beijing Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and the pre-viewing system of the National Border, etc.


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