Airline Alliance Products
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-

  The airline alliance products aim at providing the total solutions including the commercial service and the product support for the airlines which hopes to join the international airline alliance organization and attend the international competition. The products refer to fields such as airline network benefit, marketing, product service and information technology, including about 10 products such as code sharing product, multimodal transport e-ticket product, connecting check-in products, transit products for travelers and luggage, superior traveler serving product, seamless network connection product, freight rate public product for alliance product, management for alliance benefit and collaborative products for clearing and they shall constantly expand with the development of airline alliance organizations.


  At present, the airline alliance products have been recognized by the three world-class airline alliances including Star Alliance, Sky Team and One Word and they successfully support China Southern Airlines attending the Sky Team on Nov. 15, 2007 and Air China and Shanghai Airline attending the Star Alliance on Dec. 12, 2007.


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