Self-service Check-in Products Based on WEB
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-

   Web check-in, known as online electronic ticket check-in service, is an extension of traditional counter check-in at airports. Utilizing the Internet technology, it provides business passengers with a convenient check-in service, enabling them to choose a seat and print the boarding pass on A4 paper at home or office, and sparing them from spending a long time to line up for check-in at airports. Because of its advantages of effectively cutting the costs of aviation companies, reducing the loads of airport counters and improving passengers’ service experience, web check-in has become trend of the information development of international civil aviation as well as an important check-in product of the Fast Travel Program. Since the end of 2007, with the support and efforts of TravelSky, all domestic aviation companies except China Southern Airlines have introduced TravelSky’s integrated online solution of self-service check-in, nearly 50 domestic airports have launch this service. As a result, the total number of passengers using TravelSky’s self-service products for check-in has exceeded 140,000 in March of 2009, and this number has been increasing monthly. Meanwhile, corresponding with the application of web check-in, TravelSky has established domestic standards of bar-coded boarding pass (BCBP) in accordance with the IATA standards, and it has been adopted by all of the domestic aviation companies.




  The main operation interface of TravelSky’s web check-in product and boarding pass on A4 paper are shown in the following pictures: (Figure 1, Figure 2)




  Figure 1: The main operation interface of TravelSky’s web check-in products




  Figure 2: Boarding pass on A4 paper of TravelSky’s web check-in


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