Self-service Check-in Products Based on CUSS
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-

   Common Use Self Service (CUSS) was put forward by IATA to make it possible for different aviation companies to use kiosks providing passengers with check-in service and other services. In April 2006, TravelSky was the first to launch CUSS kiosks in China, with Air China and China Eastern Airlines adopting CUSS kiosks in the capital airport as the starting point. After three years’ development, CUSS self-service check-in products and host access technology provided by TravelSky have been employed by all domestic aviation companies and deployed in over 40 domestic airports. According to incomplete statistics, there were over 6.33 million passengers using TravelSky’s self-service products for check-in only in 2008, and it has outnumbered the one-year passenger clearance volume of Hangzhou Airport which ranked eighth in China.


  The following pictures are the effect drawing of TravelSky’s CUSS kiosk and its main operation interface:






  Image 1: Overall effect drawing of TravelSky’s CUSS kiosk


  Image 2: Main operation interface of the self-service check-in application developed by TravelSky



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