Electronic Commercial Solutions of Airlines: E-Build
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-

  E-build is the unified access and application development platform of electronic commerce provided by TravelSky for Airlines, structuring on the core system of ICS, FARE, DCS, AV and Ticket. Through the unified access layer, provide the unified variant host machine access service for users’ function development.


  E-build provides numerous application development packet. Users may select the development packet tools for structuring development and realize the quick development of businesses according to their business development requirements. As for the new businesses, users can utilize all bottom-adjusting development packet of Application and realize the module development work of the original subclasses, so as to guarantee the flexibility and extendibility of application to the utmost.


  E-build features of layered structure and modularization guarantees the users can deploy in different steps and flexibly selct according to their own business development demand.


  Moreover, Based on E-Build electronic commercial supporting platform, TravelSky provides the numerous ways of electronic commercial application service for airlines including the following.


  • Platform trusteeship service
  • Platform construction service
  • Cooperation development service
  • Overseas platform exploitation and popularization service
  • B2B application service, etc.
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