Flight Control Product
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Support the flight control produts based on Leg/Seg


  Airliners control system is a centralized and variant airlines, supporting the flight control based on Leg/Seg. Each airline enjoys its independent database, independent user groups, independent control and management mode. All kinds of operations can be individualized, including flight schedules, freight rates, utilization conditions, sales control parameter information and a complete set of perfect booking function engine.


  Support the regularized O&D control product


  ♦  Regularized O&D control


  NewSky*O&D Control (the flight control based on network): provide the user interface based on Internet Web graphics. The airline network definition can realize the automatic adjustment of the whole network flight status according to the sales status of some flight section (such as passenger load factor, days to takeoff, specific cabin sales number, etc.), so as to issue different products for the booking resources of different route and channels and realize the regularized O&D control.


  ♦ MSC (Married Segment Control)


  NewSky*Married Segments Control (Joint leg booking binding control) is the one of the necessary functions of TravelSky ICS/CRS to realize the O&D revenue system supporting. It provides the users interface of Internet Web Imagination and realize the binding sales of joint flight by formulating through airline operation booking rules.


  With the construction of hub network of domestic airlines, the control demand on joint airline operation is more and more diversified and refined. MSC can meet the joint through flight operation control requirement of airlines, with a view to pursue the maximization of the whole airline network earnings.


  Flight control products supporting drastic competitive flight

  ♦ NewSky*Multi-Level Class

  ♦ NewSky*Multi-Level Class (Multi-level cabin control)


  Break through the current two-level cabin limitations to realize the four types of levels cabin, Compartment, Sub-compartment, Class, Sub-class. Through the introduction of new levels of Sub-compartment and Sub-Class, provide segmented flight service products and break through the limitations of 26 letters and realize the diversity of products of airlines confronting travelers and the product differentiation confronting sales channels.


  ♦ Nesting


  As the important means of airlines earnings, nesting gives an important role. Currently, each airline is using cabin nesting technology. The system supports the continuous (nesting) (or called as and line type and serial). Its main function is, to guarantee the sales of the high-level cabin, under the circumstance of fixed cabin amount.




  ATTL project can sell out the overdue unsold air tickets according to the setting of the flight company control personnel, so as to improve the efficiency of flights, set free the airline controllers from the burdensome manual ticket clearing work. It can provide the ticket clearing report ot the airline earning management system to benefit for the airlines to mast the market status and put an end to the phenomenon of empty occupying seats. The system has the records on all the ticket clearing operation, thus it can provides ticket clearing report, summary and statistics report to airline controllers regularly (daily, weekly or monthly).


  ♦Auxiliary earnings


  Check the unsuccessful booking records, find the repeated PNR reservation and information of late-stage NoShow travelers, evaluate the travelers repetitive extent, differentiate the score, so as to check and tidy up the information, reuse the flight seats and improve the flight information.


  ♦Control front end


  Airlines control front terminal is a series of products that Travelsky confronting airlines and airline management department. Control front terminal can realize the functions of construction of flights, flight adjustment and Queue automatic processing, so as to replace burdensome manual operation and greatly improve the working efficiency. The control front terminal of airlines adopts C-S framework and deploy on the flight companies. The main users are the earning management departments and flight control departments.


  Code sharing


  Support three types of code sharing ways of FreeSale, BlockSpace and virtual flights; support IATA four-code sharing Option and make airlines market obtain earnings in the following three ways.


  Market airlines can obtain extra market resources, requires on extra investment in flight, crews and airport facilities.


  In terms of running airlines, code sharing protocol can increase the travelers on a flight and requiring no additional service.


  As for travelers, code sharing protocol allows frequent travelers to accumulate new market flight mileage, and make them obtain more convenient connecting joint among the airlines cooperating with each other.


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