Departure Control System (DSC)
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-

  The departure control system (DSC) is a large host system developed by TravelSky for aviation companies and airport ground service department offering departure service to passengers. Connected with terminal devices through the Internet, DSC realizes the automatic transmission and processing of information on flights and passengers in the host system. DSC consists of the passenger check-in system, flight data control system and airplane load planning system.


  Its major modules are:

  •   Passenger Check-in System (CKI)
  •   Flight Data Control System (FDC)
  •   Airplane Load Planning System (LDP)


  At the same time, connected with seat booking system, regular passenger system, electronic ticket system and other departure systems of aviation companies, DSC can realize more functions such as seat reservation, through check-in, EDI and regular passenger mileage accumulation.


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