Departure Integrated Service Center (DISC)
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-

  The departure integrated service center (DISC) is a integrated passenger service platform customized for aviation companies. It is different from traditional standard departure system in that it offers an integrated interface in line with the SOC, regular passenger system and other systems of aviation companies. Through interacting information with IT systems of aviation companies, DISC helps aviation companies to promote their featured services in airports, realizing the differentiation of passenger service and the integration of service flow in different locations. On the integrated DISC platform, the passenger service system can be customized, and according to the passenger service chain and the structure, responsibilities and work flows of various departments, data flows and work flows can be integrated to serve multiple business departments. The integration of nine work flows, namely irregular flight handling, special passenger services, VIP services, transit flight handling, flight overbooking service, temporary class upgrade, early check-in service, passenger cabin supplying and mistaking baggage handling, provides multiple system interfaces for the information needed in services and realizes the automation of passenger services, making passenger services more accurate and reducing the workload of business operators.

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