Stowage Optimizing System
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-

  In order to optimize the stowing work flow of aviation companies and improve their efficiency on operation control and based on departure airplane stowage module, TravelSky has developed a series of products in recent years:



  Centralized Fuel Quantity Management



  Centralized fuel quantity management is a set of computer-aided management mode servicing aviation companies. Depended on departure network platform, it helps aviation companies to centralize their management on the fuel quantity data of all flights and automatically publish the data in all airport covered by China Civil Aviation Information Network.



  Centralized fuel quantity management reads the fuel quantity data from the information center of aviation companies, and processes them. Then it imports the data into the stowage database of TravelSky’s departure system, updating the fuel quantity data. The mode of inputting data into the system in accordance with the experience of the stowing workers makes the fuel quantity control of flights more scientific and economical, bringing a huge saving and profit to aviation companies.



  Flight Carrying Rate Counting Function



  In order to meet the needs of aviation companies to count the flight carrying rate, TravelSky has developed the flight carrying rate counting function, through which timely counting of flight carrying is achieved. In the process of this function, data files are generated by the program of hosts, and analyzed, stored and computed by open platforms so that the function of inquiry is realized through opening the interface programs of the open platforms and hosts.



  Stowage Freight Interface



  Information on cargos, mails, luggage and passengers are important in operating flight stowage and information data of luggage and passengers can be obtained from the check-in data through the original interface program of the system. However, the data of cargos and mails have been input by hand for a long time; as the volume of business increases, such an inefficient method cannot cater to the work anymore, and thus this part of data needs to be obtained through a new method.



  By using this function, freight workers can be spared from the heavy work of inputting data of cargos and mails by hand. The work requiring minutes or dozens of minutes before can be finished in several seconds. Meanwhile, because the data come from the same source, data mismatching is avoided so that the safety coefficient of production and the flight punctuality rate are improved. At present, CA flights departing from Beijing fully use this function, and other CA aviation companies depend on it for data.


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