CUSS Check-in
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-

  Common Use Self Service (CUSS) was put forward by IATA to make it possible for different aviation companies to use kiosks providing passengers with check-in service and other services. CUSS targets at improving service and cutting costs. The CUSS check-in solution of TravelSky consists of CUSS check-in application ad CUSS platform.


  Based on the CUSS standards, CUSS check-in application combines the operation features and needs of domestic aviation companies, and thus is a software product that suitable for domestic aviation companies. Catering for passengers who want to complete check-in process with electronic tickets, this application enables them to decide their routes, choose their preferred seats and finish their regular passenger mileage accumulation by themselves. TravelSky’s CUSS check-in application has been certificated by major platform providers including SITA, ARINC and IBM, and has been put into operation in most of the first and second-tier domestic airports.


  Complying with the CUSS standards, TravelSky has independently developed a CUSS platform which provides an integrated app-developing and deploying environment, separating CUSS app-development from hardware and offering monitoring service in practical operation.


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