Angle FDC Inventory Control Front End
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-

  Angle FDC inventory control front end meets the operation needs of aviation companies and ground service departments concerning inventory control in departure system, realizing automation of some inventory control and providing solutions to improve the accuracy of inventory control in departure system and reduce the loads of inventory controllers. Combined with each part of inventory control, this product realizes major functions including flight monitoring, seat control, flight initiating, next-day schedule import, long-term flight schedule, auxiliary information inquiry, basic information maintaining and free instruction input. Moreover, multi-criteria flight information inquiry can be realized by this product. By using this product, flight monitor can decide which flight to monitor specially and use special information to promote special security operation. And operations like altering and batch altering flight data, simplifying airplane change, and displaying and inquiring flight real-time information can be realized through Angle FDC inventory control front end.



  The seat control module possesses functions of graphical seat map displaying, seat handling, passenger information viewing, seat reserving and seat reservation altering.



  The flight initiating module possesses functions of flight batch-downloading, flight selecting, flight data comparing and correcting, and flight batch-initiating.



  The flight schedule maintaining module is useful for importing next-day flight schedule and setting and maintaining long-term flight schedule.



  The static data maintaining module realizes the maintenance of information on airplanes, flights, flight messages and foreign flights.



  Besides, there are some auxiliary functions such as user permission management, work log inquiry, seat reservation for crew members and free instruction input.



  This product is suitable for the departure control department of aviation companies that handle a large amount of flight every day. Featured with graphical interface, this product is easy to operate and learn; designed for work flow, it also improves efficiency by automatically dealing with part of the work.


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