CA Passenger Service System
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-

  Traditional passenger service systems like NewAPP are standardized common front ends whose functions are used by aviation companies to complete operations like check-in and boarding control. A customized passenger service system is formed through combining this with the IT system of aviation companies and customizing to adapt to the passenger service work flow of aviation companies.




  Similar to common departure front ends, customized front ends also have the general functions like passenger information inquiry needed in the ground work flow, check-in, flight cancel and change, boarding pass printing, boarding, luggage receiving, adding and deleting, group passenger handling, stand-by passenger handling, special service handling, transit passenger handling, statistics gathering, flight control, seat control. The feature of customization is demonstrated in the process of passenger services where IT systems of aviation companies like regular passenger system are connected so that operations are achieved, including regular passenger inquiry, regular passenger recognition, special passenger recognition and corresponding services, special transit services and operation, graded protection strategy when flight is abnormal, airline transfer service, customized passenger statistics gathering and analyzing, and customized boarding sequence.


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