Flight Connecting Service System
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-

  The network operation of aviation companies and the hub construction require better passenger service of flight connecting. TravelSky’s flight connecting service includes through check-in system and transit passenger service system.


  Currently, both intra-airline and inter-airline through check-in are fully available in TravelSky’s system. In accordance with inter-airline through check-in, TravelSky has especially improved the departure system’s support for EDIFACT message, successfully supporting multiple versions and the third updated version. EDI message consists of three formats, namely standard message, EDIFACT message in accordance with the IATA standards, and AMADEUS message, which are all supported in TravelSky’s system. Therefore, TravelSky’s system can share information with most aviation companies in the world. Presently, there are 46 aviation companies that are in IATCI link with TravelSky’s system, among which 13 belong to SkyTeam (AZ, AF, AM, CM, KQ, OK, SU, UX, KE, DL, CO, KL, NW), 21 belong to Star Alliance ( LX, JP, TG, OZ, SQ, TP, TK, MS, LH, OS, BD, OU, LO, AC, UA, NH, NZ, SK, KF, JK, US), and 12 belong to other alliances (CX, CI, KA, BR, GE, LH, RG, JL, AE, SA, AB, AQ).


  Transit passenger service system gathers the information on connecting flights and passengers in the departure system, providing the transfer department and luggage loading department of aviation companies with assistance in transfer service, flight control, passenger service and luggage service. The major function of the system is to provide the staff of the transfer department with flight control information and access to the detailed information on all flights and transit passenger. Solutions of transferring to other companies are provided to passengers having no connecting flight. The system also offers functions of BTM luggage tracing, error message inquiry, and transit terminal and air route information collecting.


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