Mileage Bank for Regular Passengers
Release Date:2009-07-09 字体大小:  A+      A-

  When departure systems are directly connected with regular passenger systems of aviation companies, this product of mileage bank for regular passengers can be introduced by aviation companies. This product realizes regular passenger upgrade within the departure system, and enables regular passengers to exchange special services at departure such as priority sequencing and lounge using. The way it is connected with regular systems of aviation companies is shown below:




  User Operation Stream:


  Firstly, FAM inquires the user’s mileage in accordance to the card number;


  Secondly, FQU inquires how much mileage is needed for upgrade;


  If the user’s mileage is sufficient, FPS inputs passwords;


  FTU freezes the user’s mileage. If this process succeeds, upgrade will be finished. If it fails, upgrade will be aborted and operation ends when errors of insufficient millage or uninitiated card are notified, or freezing mileage will be retried when busy network is notified. Upgrade will be aborted if the network is still busy after retrying several times.


  If FTU succeeds in freezing the mileage, upgrade will be implemented through normal process. When upgrade is finished, the whole process ends and if upgrade fails, FRB instructions shall be input by hand to deduct the mileage.


  When FRB instructions are implemented, the host program exits and the open program will be run to ensure mileage reimbursement. Common operator has no authority to implement FRB instructions, and the authority to implement FRB instructions is the same as GS instructions.


  When the flight closes, ETO message of deducting the mileage of the passengers on the flight who have finished FTU will be sent.


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