Freight Product
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-





  Accurate, efficient, complete and comprehensive freight products and services


  Freight products run through ticket agents’ major business processes, and they are indispensable from the inquiry step to the automatic ticket issuance step; TravelSky Technology Limited provides customers with: freight policy entry, freight search, freight calculation, automatic ticket issuance, freight security, and a full range of freight products and services, which can help customers improve their business efficiency and expand their sales channels.


  1. Freight Policy Entry Service – Airfare Express (AFE)


  AFE is the international freight fares entry service launched for agents by TravelSky Technology Limited. After data entry, it can support the whole process of automation business, and help agents carry out work in an efficient manner. 


  Ø    AFE Supports Industry-standard Freight Releases, Safe and Reliable

  The international freight data released by AFE complies with the IATA international standards, and reaches the system freight levels published by airlines. The freight data is maintained and stored in the TravelSky system, which can be quickly and accurately distributed to your specified objects and cannot be queried by other agents, so the data is kept safe and reliable. In addition, the data is updated every hour, real-time and efficient.


  Ø    AFE Releases Support Automatic Calculation and Freight Search

  AFE publishes your paper fares to the TravelSky system, which can support the automations of freight search (shopping), freight query, freight calculation, automatic ticket issuance, and other steps, largely increasing your operating efficiency.


  Ø    AFE Provides Guarantees for Free

  Currently, AFE services are free, you only need to provide price lists for TravelSky, who is responsible for completing the entry and release in order to save your resources. In addition, TravelSky also provides freight guarantees for this, and offers freight compensation by flow after problem occurs, making you peace of mind.



  2. Inquiry Products


  (1) Freight Search Shopping


  Freight search can help you quickly find the optimized results with optimum routes, most reasonable flight combinations, lowest prices, and available seats. By utilizing the accurate flight and freight space information, the most authoritative and complete industrial freight data, the complex bidding work can be further simplified and completed in just a few seconds.

  Currently, the freight search provides two application modes including online fields and traditional channels.   


  Ø    Applications in Online Fields


  Combining with the domestic market and agent business features, TravelSky provides you with localization to the whole process solutions of domestic and international online air ticketing businesses. The solutions give priority to freight search products, including rules query (in Chinese and English), price check (PATA, QTE), cabin inspection, PNR operation, ticket issuance operation, ticket alternation, multi-day search (Calendar Search) and other products, all of which are provided via separate interfaces, so that you can select the product functions according to your own needs and business features, flexibly implement the online distribution of domestic and international air tickets. Moreover, the freight team of TravelSky will provide you with full technical supports and guarantees, which is your staunch supporter at background.

  The solutions have been successfully applied to a variety of scenarios for different types of users, such as OTA and agent B2C websites, travel systems, B2B platforms, and internal user systems.



  Ø    Applications in Traditional Channels


  Freight search (shopping) is no longer the exclusive function of the website. You can use one instruction “Shop” on the black screen to query the lowest prices of specified starting points and destination points for a single airline, and you need not to specify the flights and freight spaces in the query, after selecting the results, you can directly schedule the PNR. Therefore, only by two steps you can determine the optimal prices and lock the seats, and then enter the automatic calculation and ticket issuance steps. By combining the freight guarantee services provided by TravelSky, your market competitiveness can be greatly enhanced. 



  (2) BestBuy


  By using the international freight Bestbuy function, you can find the lowest prices of available freight spaces for the specified travels based on existing PNR, assist staff in accurate quotations, so as to enhance users’ price competitiveness and sales rates.   


  Ø    Simple and Convenient Operational Processes of Black Screen Instructions

  When booking a flight, you need not to focus on the current freight space situations, and the reservations can be booked at random. By using the Bestbuy function, the system can automatically find the flight with cheapest seats for you, if you accept the price, then you can quickly replace the freight places in PNR by one operation and get the ticket automatically. It significantly raises the quoted prices and price-checking efficiency.

  All domestic and overseas flights have already opened this function.


  Ø    Support Online Applications

  Interface products are provided with easy connections, which can be integrated with your existing systems and business processes, apply to most online application scenarios, reduce the system implementation difficulty, increase revenue opportunities, and attract more customers.  


  3. Automatic Calculation and Ticket Issuance


  The TravelSky system can automatically calculate the applicable travel freights according to PNR, support the automatic storage and ticket issuance functions of freight calculation results, ensure the accuracy of price and tax calculations, dramatically reduce the error probability of agents, and allow the agents to focus more on business development rather than training operations. TravelSky provides freight protection services for automatic freight calculations.


  Ø    Most Comprehensive Freight Contents and Most Timely Updates

  The international freight data of TravelSky system is kept pace with the foreign GDS system, and the global industry data provider ATPCO and SITA. Combining with the TravelSky freight entry service (AFE), TravelSky system has the most comprehensive domestic and international freight data of Chinese market, all of which can be widely used in black screens and online products, support various business applications for agents, achieve the automatic calculations and ticket issuances of PNR freights, and enable you to get rid of error-prone traditional modes with complex operations and enter the automatic and efficient new era.


  Ø    Rapid Claims to Errors

  You can safely use the automatic calculation and ticket issuance functions, if the ADM sheets of international tickets are generated due to system causes, TravelSky is responsible for the payment and executing rapid claim process, so you can be free from worries.


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