Travel Itinerary Service Product
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Cooperated with related parties of airport, the Chinese TravelSky Technology Limited establishes ‘TravelSky airport counters’ and self-help printing devices on each airport. This service uses unified service marks, unified decoration styles and unified service standards in the domestic airport and it takes the travel itinerary airport printing system independently researched and developed by the TravelSky Technology Limited to provide the travel itinerary printing services for the agents and the travels.


  1 Product Advantages


  Ø    The service scope is broad: after signing a travel itinerary service protocol with the airport, the agent can enjoy the airport service all over the country. The travel can take the travel itinerary from the ‘TravelSky’ airport counters and the self-help printing devices on more than 30 medium and large airports all over the country and it can be taken in the local place/different places and the standardization for charges are in accord.

  Ø    Neutralized service: The ‘TravelSky’ counters are established by Chinese TravelSky Technology Limited with related cooperated parties in each airport, which mainly provides e-ticket travel itinerary printing and related distribution services. The unit for printing the travel itinerary is ‘ service counter in some airport”, so it not only guarantee the quality of counter service of airport but also guarantee the confidence of information of traveler.

  Ø    Strong controllability: The agent can log in the TravelSky Technology Limited system to add, delete and apply to cancel the ticket planned to print. The agent can inquire the print state in time and set up sub accounts under the account and the statistic data of the sub accounts are enumerated independently to make it convenient to manage.

  Ø    It is in time, accurate, safe and reliable: The traditional travel itinerary distribution is easy to send to the wrong place, miss sending and loss; after using the travel itinerary service product, the traveler can print it on the counter in the airport on site with the valid identify document, so it avoid the problems in distribution.




  2. Product Effects


  Ø    Reduce the labor cost required for travel itinerary distribution;

  Ø    Shorten the distribution time. The traditional distribution requires 1-3 days, but it can get the travel itinerary immediately by printing on the counter in airports;

  Ø    Eliminate the possibility of travel itinerary missing during the distribution process; printing on the airport can guarantee the travel itinerary is sent to the traveler directly;

  Ø    Provide the channels for airport services for agents that cannot distribute the travel itinerary in the airport, so it increases the market competitiveness of the agent;

  Ø    The BSP ticket and the promissory note of airlines except the China Southern Airlines can be printed in the counters (excluding the tickets of Spring Airlines);

  Ø    By providing safe and accurate services with high efficiency for passengers, promote the professional images of agents in eyes of travelers;



  3. Service Standards


  Ø    The TravelSky Technology Limited should place obvious markers on the TravelSky counters to make it be convenient for the travelers to find the counters;

  Ø    Guarantee the counters can provide the travel itinerary print service for the travels in the shortest time; when the counters are out of work, the TravelSky Technology Limited should provide other alternative solutions for the travelers as much as possible and specially assign workers to solve the problem as soon as possible;

  Ø    The traveler can take the travel itinerary at any TravelSky airport all over the country, including the departing or the arriving airports (see the directory for TravelSky counters at:;

  Ø    The TravelSky Technology Limited provides neutralized services and does not work on the services such as air ticket sales which are conflicted with the business of agents. The unit for travel itinerary printed on counter is “service counter in XX airport” and it does not relate to the information of any non- neutralized enterprise.



  4 Self-help Print 


  Based on the printing for the original travel itinerary, the TravelSky Technology Limited extends and develops the self-help travel itinerary printing product which can be used in airport and at urban area. The product includes two parts of platform and application. The detailed basic functions are as follows:

  1) Multilanguage support and user’s customization configuration

  2) Verify the traveler’s identity

  Support the scanning for the second-generation ID card

  Aimed at other certificates, it can identify whether the traveler has the right to print through the identifying code;

  3) Download the journey of traveler

  If the traveler has more than one electronic ticket, the system can display all usable electronic tickets;

  It can limit the printing scope of travel itinerary;

  Judge whether it is allowed to print the ticket;

  4) Travel itinerary print


    5. Open Service


  Please contact with the branches of the local TravelSky Technology Limited for the open service.


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