Quick Link for Data
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Brief Introduction:


  The main functions of quick link for data are to provide inquiry, statistics, download for ticket information and the integral market analysis for sales volume of agent to the agent.


  Through the sales statistics agency, it can clearly understand the ticket situation of the company which can be used for financial management and it can understand the shares and the rank of the company in the whole market through the market analysis.



  Special function one: historical inquiry for ticket information


  The quick link supports the historical inquiry for ticket information in 6 months, wherein the detailed time for issuing a ticket and for refunding the ticket can be inquired for the refunded ticket.

  (Overly exceed the time for one month supported by the present ETERM)




  Special function two: sum over and download the ticket sold by agents, and it can be divided into the following points:




  Sales Tabulate Statistics


  It can provide the summary information of the airline in 12 months for the actual sum of business transactions, Z value, expenses of taxation and fee for refund etc.


  Detailed Statistics for Sales


  Provide the international and the domestic BSP sales details, including more than 60 kinds of information such as expenses of taxation, Z value, agency fee, fee for refund and code of big customer.


  Customize and Download the Details for Sales


  The user can establish a customized list for sales details according to the requirement.


  Detailed Statistic for Use of Sold Ticket


  Census the actual use situation of sold tickets (usually called as departure data) after the flight taking off and the time limits are in 7 days.


  Market Analysis


  Be able to analyze the market rank situation according to the statistics of sales data.


  AMS Data Engine


  AMS data engine provides data download services for back-stage management solutions of sales business, wherein it can grasp the business information in time, automatically download data from Aviation Information, management several Offices together and control the place for downloading conveniently.


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