Introduction to New Functions of the Host
Release Date:2014-06-24 字体大小:  A+      A-



  A. Improvement of Core Functions


  1. Update the Function of Foreign Flight Reservation


  1) Team Function


  This function has been put into operation in over 24 companies, including TG, KE, CX, KA, BR, B7OZ, UA, EK and ET, and UA, ET, TK, U6, TP and VN were included in 2013.


  Features and values: convenient for team sales, invoice issues solved, and sales opportunities increased.


  2) Improvement of PNR MATCH Function


  By accurately monitoring the foreign airline reservations, you can determine whether the foreign airline segment is reserved successfully or not, one airline segment corresponds to one record number of airline carrier company, in order to facilitate the exports of statistics and ensure whether there are abnormal situations of the returned foreign airline record codes. SMS, emails can automatically notify customers, and enhance the PNR MATCH.


  3) Seamless display of flight queries (SEAMLESS)


  The airlines in production can check accurate seats in the neutral queries, no need to enter the airline query system, greatly improving the efficiency and online sales possibility. 16 of the top 20 airlines in Chinese market have been put into production. By the end of August, 10 airlines have completed the foreign airline direct-connection projects, and more than 60 foreign airline functions have been enhanced.


  2. Increased core functional instructions



  1) Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD) Function


  According to the air traveling statistics, more than 85% international agents want to improve their revenue through additional services. Agents can implement the additional service sales of airelines, better server the passengers, and increase their own income.

  Currently, the rescheduled chargeable EMD function has already been in operation. As the followed SQ/MI, they can support more products and functions, team deposits, seat selections and so on. 


  2) Font Library Upgrading


  In order to avoid the messy code displays of uncommon Chinese name, and solve the problems of using pinyin to replace uncommon characters, the first batch - a total of 20 airports has updated their font libraries, supported the display of more than 20,000 Chinese characters, and been fully backward compatible with the original character collections. The first batch of airports include: Capital T1T2T2, Fuzhou, Chengdu, Haikou, Sijiazhuang, Qinhuangdao, Handan, Tangshan, Zhangjiakou, Dalian, Hefei, Hangzhou, Xi’an T3, Yuncheng, Guilin, Nanning, Kunming, Xishuangbanna, Erdos, and Shenyang. Agents use the version ETERM3.83 and above (Download address:


  3) PNR Privacy Secondary Authorization


  After using the instruction -RMK TJ AUTH [OFFICE] /T for one time, the predetermined responsibility group can accept the authorized OFFICE one time, and perform the secondary authorizations to this PNR for other OFFICEs. The convenience of PNR extractions between OFFICEs have be extended.



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