Consulting Services for High Usability
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-



  Facing with a rapidly changing economic environment, enterprises have been utilizing IT infrastructure as a competitive advantage to improve productivity and enable users to make faster and more accurate decisions. However, dependence on the infrastructure will also follow. If a key business becomes unusable, the whole enterprise will be exposed to risks, losing revenue or customers, or even worse, the negative public opinion may have lasting impact on the reputation of enterprises.


  Building a highly usable IT infrastructure is critical to enterprises seeking for success in today''s economic environment.


  Challenges to High Usability of Systems


  Examining your own IT infrastructure, you might encounter the following challenges:


  Chaotic management of the previous fault data, difficulty in analyzing faults and lack of management alternative;


  Difficulty in evaluating the high usability even though many integrated technologies have been used in the systems of enterprises;


  Difficulty in matching high usability indicators with system infrastructure in accordance with the characteristics of enterprises;


  TravelSky’s high usability consulting service helps clients to solve many problems, such as poor management and analysis on fault information, lack of planning, difficulty in evaluating the effectiveness of integrated technologies, and lack of the tailor-made system architecture. TravelSky provides clients with a series of scientific analyses on information collection, fault monitoring and reliability evaluation and high usability of systems, and offers corresponding advice for improvement. This series of consulting service solutions will fully protect core business systems of clients, enabling clients to grasp opportunities for business development.





  TravelSky’s Consulting Services for High Usability


  —    Promote highly usable IT infrastructure and provide lasting driving force for your business development


  Devoted to collecting and analyzing fault information, TravelSky uses scientific theories of evaluating usability like FMEA to analyze the usability of business systems, and at the same time gives advice for improvement. By doing so, TravelSky helps achieving the infrastructure providing lasting access to business processes, IT environment and network, and thus avoid accidental shutdown and corresponding recovery costs.


  FMEA methodology pays attention to the following dimensions:





  Based on tens of years’ practices in business systems with high usability, TravelSky thinks that there are three basic requirements to realize high usability:


  Detect the weakness in key systems

  —    Using FTA theories, TravelSky is able to detect any weak point in the business system.


  Analyze and determine the direction to overcome weakness

  —    Using FMEA theories, TravelSky analyzes and put forward feasible methods to solve single problem.


  Comprehensive and systematic practices in operation and maintenance of high usability

  —    TravelSky is successfully operating and maintaining dozens of high usability business systems with different characteristics.




  TravelSky’s consulting services for high usability will bring you the following benefits:


  Help you to evaluate the infrastructure, supporting your current business usability and service quality goal;


  Help you to achieve high-usability management of key business process, IT systems, system operation environment and network; 


  Help you to cut the time of accidental shutdown, reduce the complexity of infrastructure and improve your ways of using IT resources, and thus the requirements of IT usability and service quality can be met or even exceeded and values will be created.




  TravelSky’s consulting services for high usability has its own advantages:


  TravelSky enjoys over 30 years’ experience in managing complex systems requiring high usability;


  With a sound and comprehensive methodology for evaluating and improving system usability, TravelSky is able t help clients to identify current risks and weakness in systems;


  With its expert teams, TravelSky helps clients to optimize system architecture, fix hidden troubles and improve system usability.




  TravelSky`s practice


  TravelSky has operated and maintained civil aviation passenger information system since 1980s, which is one of eight national lifeline information systems. Among which, passenger departure system is a business system requiring highest availability with the whole downtime of less than 52 minutes and an availability index of 99.99%. However, because the business system is run on the host and the early host had no high-edge available technologies like cluster, TravelSky had to maintain the high availability of single host mainly depending on personnel investment, which was high-risk and high-stress.


  The emergence of host XTC technology similar to open cluster technology in the early 21th century comprehensively solved the failure problems of single host point. However, has the high availability problems of departure business system really been solved?


  TravelSky`s FTA theoretical analysis shows that faulted point still exists under XTC model—cluster manager, which is an insoluble problem of current cluster method. FMEA was approached in analysis and research, and we cleared that current business system architecture cannot meet the requirement of zero downtime of departure business system.


  According to the analysis and conclusions above and along with business features, TravelSky creatively put forward “NEWAPP”, a new generation of front-end departure system, which perfectly solved the service availability problems occurred after the unexpected halt of departure host system by real-time download, front-end save and other characteristic technologies. Departure three-level backup system reached its best results with low costs, high availability and easy-maintenance.




  Consultation services and products of high availability provided by TravelSky



  Services        Contents
Consultation of storage high availability 

We evaluate storage network environment currently possessed by customer, and provide customer with best storage availability solutions in accordance with customer`s demands.

Consultation of open system high availability We evaluate server and system environment currently possessed by customer, and provide customer with best system availability solutions in line with customer`s demands.
Consultation of database high-available architecture We analyze customer`s demands for business, assess database information of high availability and provide solutions for database high-available architecture.
Consultation of middleware high-available architecture We analyze customer`s demands for business, assess middleware information of high availability and provide solutions for middleware high-available architecture.
Assessment of business system high availability We offer assessment of key system availability risk to customer and put forward recommendations for improvement.





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