Solution of Intelligent Monitoring of Information System
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  TravelSky’s Solution of Intelligent Monitoring of Information System


  Based on 30 years experiences in operation and maintenance, TravelSky uses the industry-leading technology to secure your core systems in a comprehensive, efficient, and green way.


  TravelSky’s Practices


  All-around Multi-platform Monitoring


  TravelSky’s solution of intelligent monitoring of information system have integrated the alarm events on the platforms of monitoring, safety, baseline protection, backup, operation and maintenance for on over 20 mainstream sets of hardware and software, providing an integrated view of alarm and business. With near 3,000 supervising dimensions and over 100,000 supervising monitory points, TravelSky’s solution provides all-around system monitoring methods.


  Remote and Non-agent Monitoring


  TravelSky provides deep monitoring with independent intellectual property rights on mainstream databases and middleware products in a non-agent way.


  Based on ITIL Knowledge Base


  TravelSky enjoys eight years’ experience of ITIL practices and a knowledge base management system in line with the ITIL norms. TravelSky’s knowledge base management system dynamically integrates with configuration management, event management and problem management, automatically connected with information on configuration, events, problems and alarms.


  Business-level Monitoring


  Providing business-level monitoring view, TravelSky’s solution of intelligent monitoring of information system can locate the influence of events on business.




  Why Choose TravelSky


  Integrating existing monitoring methods of clients, TravelSky’s solution of intelligent monitoring of information system protects the IT investment of clients and at the same time builds an all-around cross-platform monitoring system that covers middleware, databases, operation systems, storage and network, eliminating management blind areas and avoiding monitoring weakness.


  With a closely connected automatic knowledge base system, TravelSky’s solution of intelligent monitoring of information system can provide solutions for various system faults rapidly, enabling technicians to deal with alarms confidently and providing clients with a expert team with rich experience.


  Managing near a thousand business systems, TravelSky enjoys rich experience in building business model, which enables clients to understand the close relationship between IT environment and business systems. TravelSky specializes in guaranteeing the stable operation of business process instead of underlying systems.


  Owning advanced remote deep monitoring products with independent intellectual property rights, TravelSky completely discards agent installation, sparing clients from heave implantation work and high costs for monitoring.





  Benefits that TravelSky’s solution of intelligent monitoring brings to clients:


  Fully guarantee the high performance and efficiency of applications and services;


  Protect the exiting IT investment of clients with monitoring solutions that is highly expandable;


  Understand the close relationship between IT environment and business systems and specializes in guaranteeing the stable operation of business process;


  Manage more systems with less technicians who are relatively inexperienced;


  Realize the lasing and stable operation of business with low costs;


  Share our experience of 30 years in operation and maintenance, and provide more practical monitoring solutions at business level.


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