Consultation and Implementation of Virtualization
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-



  TravelSky’s Consultation and Implementation of Virtualization


  Our service is based on the implementation of the best practices of virtualization, and many years’ successful experiences of TravelSky in the virtualization construction. We will help you with IT solutions based on virtualization architecture covering consultation, planning, establishment, implementation, operation, maintenance and warranty.


  TravelSky’s Practices


  TravelSky actively carried out construction and development of virtualization of information system since 2006, and made a lot of investigation and survey on management methods and correlative techniques of virtualization of information system. As virtualization solutions continue to mature, we have changed from initial pilot deployment on edge businesses to continuous exploration of implementation methods and standards of virtualization.


  In 2009, TravelSky conducted large-scale deployment of virtualization construction of data center, which was used in critical production applications and realized automated management of workload and supply. Data centers based on virtualization architecture have been established in Dongxi and Sanlitun, Beijing, where two data centers of TravelSky located.


  Why Choose TravelSky?


  Implementation of virtualization provided by TravelSky is based on its successful experiences in the virtualization construction.


  The construction of virtualized data center is aimed at not only the implementation of a single virtual product, but also the building of the entire IT elements covering applications, operating systems, storage, network, monitoring and backup etc. which are based on virtualization architecture, as well as the reconstruction of operation and maintenance management of entire IT under virtualization architecture.


  As a state-owned key enterprise with more than 30 years` operation and maintenance experience, TravelSky trained a large number of experts in IT technology and IT operation and maintenance including experts in virtualization technology, and integrated its understanding and experience of operation and management into the implementation of virtualization. Disaffiliated from vendors on traditional platform to arm at its single platform and stereotyped single virtual product catalyzed and promoted the performance of virtualization platform construction on enhancing the value of enterprise business.


  Benefits of consultation and implementation of virtualization provided by TravelSky:


  Your company will instantly own perfect virtual data center solutions which are tailored according to your needs and features.


  It helps you to build a data center based on virtualization architecture, and enhance your invest rate of return by the unique features of virtualization architecture.


  It improves the availability of your business system through virtualization architecture.


  It promotes the management level of your IT system through virtualization architecture.


  It shares more than 30 years` IT operation and maintenance experience of TravelSky to realize the one-stop services of construction and maintenance of virtual data center.


  It trains experts in virtual product solutions, and enables you to fully grasp the instructive theories required for virtualization construction.


  TravelSky’s Consultation and implementation of Virtualization




  Service Contents

  Integrated IT Environment Virtualization Assessment

  In order to provide an integrated plan for virtualization construction that meets customer`s needs, we collect and analyze customer`s practical IT environment according to customer`s needs.

  Project Design of Virtualization and Integration

  Integrated project that combined and based on customer`s demands covering architecture design, architecture transference, backup and other project designs.

  Deployment of Virtualization Architecture

  Conducting deployment of virtual solutions based on and along with customer`s demands, which include VMware, Microsoft HyperV, Redhat, IBM PowerVM, SUN Solaris Zone etc.

  Deployment of Virtual App backup

  Carrying out deployment of virtual App backup based on and combined customer`s demands.

  Product Installation and Configuration Training

  We can provide training on virtual products, and train experts in virtual product.






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