Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Service
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-



  TravelSky’s Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Service


  Our service is based on the best practices of business continuity management and disaster recovery in the industry, providing you with various levels of disaster recovery solutions for consulting, organization, planning, establishment, implementation, operation and maintenance of IT business system.


  TravelSky’s Practices


  High Safety

  As one of the four largest GDS carrier, TravelSky is maintaining thousands of IT facilities including eight large computer systems and thousands of small computers, among which only the seat booking system of civil aviation has to handle over 5,000 issues per second. After years of efforts and development, TravelSky is now able to maintain the business continuity with such a high requirement of response.


  One-key Recovery

  The simple and fast one-key disaster recovery system is one of TravelSky’s key means to improve RTO in disaster recovery application. This system creatively integrates the complex technological process into a system, where the operator can finish disaster recovery by one key, and the executive process can be monitored in real time.


  Low Costs

  TravelSky dynamically integrates and comprehensive takes into consideration disaster recovery resources and test development resources, and utilizing advanced technologies like virtualization to reuse resources, greatly reducing the high costs of disaster recovery and maintenance besetting many enterprises while full guaranteeing RTO/RPO indicators.


  Why Choose TravelSky


  TravelSky has the national qualification of information safety services as well as an advanced methodology for business continuality in the industry.


  TravelSky owns more ten years’ practical experience in disaster recovery and business continuality, and is able to provide effective disaster recovery service in accordance with your specific needs.


  TravelSky has successfully implemented several major relevant projects, including eight business continuality plans and disaster recovery projects of the seat-booking system, the inventory control system, the departure system and other systems of CAAC. TravelSky has not only a mature consulting ability, but also incomparable practical experience accumulated through serving clients.


  TravelSky owns many experts on business continuality and disaster recovery who are certificated by CISP, BCM and other professional organizations, and many experienced implementation consultants. In line with DRII standards and to meet the needs of clients, TravelSky localizes and specializes in its services, helping you to realize fast recovery wherever the disaster happens.


  The financial status of TravelSky is steady, and it provides lasting service commitment


  The Benefits that the disaster recovery service of TravelSky brings to you:


  Help enterprises to recover business operation in a short time, and ensure the business continuality of enterprises through effective plans, making them face disasters confidently and improving their competitiveness;


  Provide enterprises with world-leading disaster recovery service with low risks and costs;


  Provide enterprises with the combination of TravelSky’s advanced work flow and excellent service methodology;


  Customize our services in accordance with the needs of enterprises, and provide them with sound integrated solutions;


  Preserve the reputation and image of enterprises and increase the loyalty of their clients;


  Provide enterprises with international professional certification of business continuality, and enable them to comprehensively acquire relevant guiding theories.


  TravelSky’s Consulting and Implementation Service for Business Continuality and Disaster Recovery



  Service Goals

  Project Planning Service

  Help clients to define and organize the parameters of BCP project planning, and confirm the resources needed for making BCM plans.

  Risk Analysis (RA) Service

  Identify and analyze the risks that enterprises might encounter, and put forward corresponding control measures.

  Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Service

  Help clients to analyze the CBF of enterprises and determine relevant BCP indicators.

  Disaster Strategy Formulation and Program Designing

  Customize disaster strategies for clients and design corresponding integrated programs.

  Scheme Making Service

  Help clients to make specific schemes needed for business continuality.

  Implementation of Disaster Backup Programs

  Help clients to implement established disaster backup programs.

  Design and Implementation of Programs for Training and Drilling

  Make relevant programs for training and drilling, and help implementing the programs.

  Certification Training of Business Continuality

  Train internationally certificated experts on business continuality for enterprises.







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