Passenger Data Analysis System –SMARTRIX
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Product Introduction:


  The passenger data analysis system-SMARTRIX is a data service platform and management information system for management, business and decision-making. Based on the passenger revenue clearing data of the airline, through the data storage and the intelligent business tools, it provides quantization basis for comprehensive analysis, scientific decision-making and digital management for the airline. This system contains the multiple-dimension analysis function and the data mining function and it contains a series of data analysis products, including: the revenue analysis system and the business analysis system. The revenue analysis system includes: the product of flight revenue analysis, the product of agent transportation distribution analysis and the product of marketing revenue analysis; the business analysis system includes the product of flight network analysis, the product of marketing freight rate analysis and the product of multimodal transport analysis.




  Product Features:


  Ø    Carry out the multi-layered airline management analysis from multiple angles by using the analysis model facing to the theme

  Ø    Based on the traditional point to point and face to face analysis, increase the point to face analysis

  Ø    By receiving all kinds of data from the revenue management system and other information system of the airline, it can provide statistical analysis with multiple themes in different times, different layers of different objects

  Ø    Provide the necessary accession data for the airline attending the international airline alliance

  Ø    Contain the operation and inquiry functions with high efficiency based on mass data

  Ø    The degree of standardization is high and it realizes the standardization of data traffic

  Ø    The expandability is strong and the module is pluggable

  Ø    It is strong and the error correction function is strong

  Ø    Take a unified consolidation interface and realize the accession and integration of heterogeneous data

  Ø    It is convenient to operate and maintain and it realizes the full-automatic traffic control

  Ø    It is flexible to deploy and it can meet the deploy requirements of different customers

  Ø    The individual compatibility is strong and it supports the multi-user version




  System Benefits:


  Ø    Perfect the statistic and analysis of the airline for aspects such as freight space contribution and multimodal transport operation state and help the user to control the change tendency and trend of revenue composition in time.

  Ø    Help the departments of the airline such as relating to revenue accounting and marketing to understand the market responses for all kinds of marketing strategy and airline product in time and provide reference data for working out new strategy and new products.

  Ø    Help the airline to truly analyze the customer market and the passenger flow direction, find out the airport that is most suitable for establishing a central terminal station and evaluate the situation and the development potential of each O&D market by comprehensively analyzing the key index.

  Ø    Realize the unified publication, demonstration and share for the data analysis result; it not only solve the problem of the past that the data are scattered without unification and it is difficult to comprehensively analyzing the data but also simplify the complex work amount for analyzing the data in past and increase the work efficiency.


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