Freight Data Report System—CRP
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Product Introduction:


  The freight data report system-CRP provides a unified, beautiful, easily used and brand new information (freight data analysis and report) revealing platform for the airline. It is a enterprise-class freight data analysis product for the airline and it can provide intelligent business solutions for decision-making of enterprise. The six products with analysis being the theme of this system are: goods transportation benefit analysis, sales revenue analysis of goods, freight O&D network analysis, index evaluation system, agent income contribution analysis and multimodal transport and joint operation analysis. 



  Product Features:


  Ø    Work out the company-class statement tree according to the detailed requirements

  Ø    The user can browse and edit the statement on line

  Ø    Support uploading, downloading, printing and sending the statement

  Ø    Support many kinds of document formats

  Ø    Interaction in the discussion board

  Ø    Collect and analyze the dimensionality information and the parameter information required for analyzing products; be capable of typing in manually or receiving the electric data

  Ø    The user can realize the information inquiry according to the preparatory condition

  Ø    Individualize the personal homepage

  Ø    Clear up the personal collection statement

  Ø    Clear up the personal creation statement

  Ø    Integrated platform and unified portal

  Ø    Integration and automation of data ETL process

  Ø    Establish a scientific business logic model

  Ø    Quick massive data query and calculation response

  Ø    Flexible and easy-to-use authority management

  Ø    Effective safety control



  System Benefits:


  Ø   Comprehensively understand the changing curve, the increase and decrease situation and the change of ranking list of sales volume/sales amount in different periods roughly to carefully

  Ø   Properly provide grain size information considering the role of user

  Ø   Get the feature distribution information such as direction of goods flow and types and weights of goods

  Ø   Observe the effect and the influence after practicing the marketing policies


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