Data Outsourcing Service
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Include the aviation revenue management outsourcing service and the IT outsourcing service:


  1. The aviation revenue management outsourcing: as a professional aviation revenue management outsourcing enterprise, the clearing company contains a large amount experienced expert team with knowledge related to aviation field to provide total business outsourcing services related to passenger transportation, freight, mail and service charge income management and outsourcing service for single business for users. Provide timely and accurate financial analysis and management information data for marketing of customer, financial, clearing and company management level.


  2. IT outsourcing service: the clearing company possesses a professional research and development team, an operating maintenance team and an internationally advanced computer room. While passing the CMM3 standard authentication and the ISO27001 safety standard authentication, it also carries out the establishments for ITIL service management system and the disaster recovery system to provide related business processing software, maintenance, upgrading and the hardware network equipment of system as well as the corresponding services for operation, maintenance and upgrading for users, including IT system integration service, IT system support and maintenance service, IT consultation service and collocation service for computer room etc.


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