Dovepay Payment Platform
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  About us:


  Beijing Asia Technology Development Company (Asia Technology Development Company, hereinafter referred to as Asia Technology Company) is the subsidiary corporation of Accounting Centre of China Aviation (Accounting Centre of China Aviation, hereinafter referred to as ACCA) which is a professional branch company of CAAC Information Network Limited Liability Company (TravelSky) engaged in electronic payment. The Asia Technology Company integrates all payment brands and payment business of TravelSky and get the payment license plate from Central Bank in 2013.




  Product Introduction:


  The Dovepay payment platform (Dovepay) is a comprehensive third payment platform established by Accounting Centre of China Aviation (ACCA). This platform can provide the accounting and payment solutions for each step on the aviation tourism industrial chain and the businesses cover electronic ticket, additional charges of civil aviation, electronic incidental expenses (EMD), freight, hotel, tourism product, car rental and insurance etc. And it shall constantly deepen into the combined industrials and innovate the payment products and provides convenient, safe and timely payment services for industrials such as civil aviation, tourism, railway and passenger liner as well as promoting and simplifying business and expanding businesses.




  Business Types:


  Dovepay payment platform provides the e-service during the whole process for businesses from placing an order, paying, sub-accounting, accounts settling, score accumulating and awarding and commission management etc. for commercial tenants such as airline, agent and hotel. The business types include B to B and B to C.




  Product Advantages:


  Ø    Rich payment patterns and methods

  Ø    Safe, stable and complete capital channel

  Ø    Years of capital account management experience

  Ø    Thorough operation management and risk control system

  Ø    High effective and stable customer service and platform support teams

  Ø    Reliable neutral service providers

  Ø    Aimed at the personalized business requirement of commercial tenant, integrate the resources of aviation communication, clearing company and Dovepay platform and provide customized domestic and foreign payment and clearing solutions.




  Safety Guarantee:


  Ø    Possess a quadruple safety guarantee framework including network safety, system safety, application safety and transaction safety.

  Ø    Provide 24/7 customer services and safety operation guarantee for production system for 365 days



  Service Target:


  Help the commercial tenant to realize quick collection and provide a high effective and convenient system for the commercial tenant for transaction management and capital reconciliation.


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