Chinese BSP Online Payment Platform
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-



  The Chinese BSP online payment platform (BSP Online Payment, hereinafter referred to as BOP platform) is jointly sponsored by the International Air Transportation Association (International Air Transportation Association, hereinafter referred to as IATA, ACCA and Xingang Guarantee Limited Company of Air China (hereinafter referred to as Xingang of Air China) and established by service parties of many industries. It takes the TravelSky CRS as the front business passageway and DovePay as the tools for payment and settling accounts and the main service carrier. It is based on the BSP clearing system of IATA and guaranteed by credit management of Xingang of Air China. It is a brand new BSP air ticket distribution solution based on the internet and its service objects are Chinese BSP agents. The online of the BOP platform can effectively increase sales volume of BSP ticket, reduce the unit cost of BSP ticket, increase the sales efficiency of BSP ticket and provide strong support for quick development of agent business. Moreover, the BOP platform further provides value-added services for credit payment etc.


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