International Freight Revenue Management System--IPRA
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Product Introduction:


  The international freight revenue management system of the new generation faces the ET environment and takes the Sales-Base architecture; and it provides a complete revenue accounting and revenue protection solution for the airline. The main system functions include: the marking management, the marketing audit, the transportation management, the multimodal transport bill audit, the apportionment treatment, the revenue adjustment, the proportion management, the accounting treatment and the statement etc.


  Product Features:


  Ø    A complete and effective revenue protection system, which can realize the fine and complete business process management

  Ø    Realize the forewarning management and help the user to find and lock the risk

  Ø    One-Screen data query engine

  Ø    Based on the role and task analysis, provide the scenarized function design

  Ø    Ticket unit accounting process which can realize the synchronization of accounts

  Ø    Realize the tracking managements for the accounts waiting to settle, the receivable and the payable for marketing

  Ø    Realize the management for revenue and other expenses

  Ø    Strengthen the interaction and the integration with the peripheral system

  Ø    While meeting the industrial standards, support the special business requirements of user

  Ø    Based on the open of the platform and the realization of standard technical design, it takes the system architecture facing the service (SOA), so it contains a good expandability and maintainability


  System Benefits:


  Ø    Increase the efficiency for revenue accounting and revenue protection and reduce the time and the cost for ticket clearing

  Ø    Monitor the potential revenue loss and contribute to improve the cash flow of the airline

  Ø    Support the newest industrial standards and adapt to the future development of the airline


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