Airline Consolidated Income Management System--ACMS
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-



  Product Introduction:


  Based on the summary of the airline consolidated income management system (ACMS) of the clearing corporation for the services of civil aviation transportation industry, the aviation income clearing system for the airline is developed and finished in 2011, which is a charging system for the airline to take charges for aviation and non-aviation businesses of the airline according to the charging standards issued by the Civil Aeronautics Administration. The main functions of the system include the charging protocol management, the flight information, the income settlement, the statistical analysis, the electric accounting, the income calculation and the auxiliary business management etc. 


  Product Features:


  Ø    Take the up-to-date development technology; the interface is friendly and it is convenient to operate

  Ø    The performance for data importing, affiliating and bill calculating are increased

  Ø    The operation for data importing is simpler, it can prompt errors and warn data automatically and the data can be imported by one button

  Ø    Support more quantity protocols, and it is easier to maintain

  Ø    Flexible user roles and jurisdiction definition are detailed to the menu and the buttons

  Ø    Record the marks of user operation and detail the system safety management

  Ø    bills can be user-defined according to company, expenses and flights, and the bill and overall bill management can be customized

  Ø    Be able to deal with the protesting, the abatement and the returned money and trace the bill processing procedure

  Ø    Generate the data for making out a bill according to the requirement of the clearing center strictly and be able to carry out the protesting and adjusting treatment

  Ø    It is expandable; it supports all kinds of chart formats and it is provided with personalized configuration

  Ø    By using the standard and flexible indicator system, it can flexibly analyze any module at any time according to different collection ways such as segments, sections and models


  System Benefits:


  Ø    This system takes the mature IT technology and its design highlights the effectiveness, the flexibility, the usability and the traceability; it helps the airport users to establish a timely and accurate integrated information platform covering the core data for production and management in the scope of the whole company.

  Ø    For the expandability and the consistency of the system, it takes the measures of separating the function of customization and the common business process and each business part is an individual module, so the expansion is convenient to realize. Meanwhile, the system can deal with single or several income clearing business of the airport at the same time according to the choices of the user, so it integrates the multi-functions such as flight information collection, income clearance, statistical analysis, electric reconciliation, income calculation and accessory business management and it provides effective data supports for each level such as the management decision-making level, the business management level and the business operation level of the headquarters of the airport (group) corporation. It enhances the quick reaction and the strain capacity of the corporation to the requirements of domestic and the foreign aviation markets.


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