Domestic Passenger Revenue Management System-ARMS
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-



  Product Introduction:



  The domestic passenger revenue management system of airline –ARMS is the first domestic system taking the Sales-Base system architecture and it contains prominent advantages on aspects such as electronic ticket data processing, revenue protection supervision, and automatic joint of accounting and connector standardization. The main functions include: marketing management, transportation management, check for multimodal transportation bills, apportionment treatment, marketing audit, matching treatment and blank ballot management etc.


  Product Features:


  Ø    It applies the Sales-Base system architecture and the system treatment scheme matched to it

  Ø    It brings all domestic passenger settlement businesses into system management totally

  Ø    The system is provided with the precise and accurate marking audit function with high efficiency

  Ø    It is the combination of transportation revenue estimation methods with high accuracy for innovation

  Ø    Accurately calculate the aviation revenue

  Ø    Provide a public information maintenance platform between systems

  Ø    It can receive the departure data completely and it realizes the matching between the departure data and the transportation data

  Ø    It realizes the overall connection with the multiple application systems upstream and downstream

  Ø    Based on open technologies, its automation degree and the operating efficiency are very high


  System Benefits:


  Ø    Quicken the speed for company data collecting, simplified the typing-in procedure and save the cost

  Ø    Flexibly support the multiple market rate products of the airline

  Ø    Strengthen the control for accounts settlement, and the generation and transportation for accounting data are smoother

  Ø    Intensity the management degree of key management control points

  Ø    Provide a good base for analyzing the data thoroughly in time


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