Domestic Mail Revenue Management System
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  The domestic mail revenue management system covers the whole process of domestic transportation business of civil aviation mail from printing, issuing and selling blank tickets to distributing and settling the transportation revenue finally, so it forms an management system for dealing with the mail transportation revenue together that integrated the marketing, the transportation revenue control and the settlement through the connection among the domestic airlines, the agency companies for passengers and freight, the airlines, the airports and the accounts settlement units. Its main functional modules include the management for basic data, blank ticket, marketing revenue, transportation revenue, proportion control, accounts settlement and historical storage. Meanwhile, it provides the real-time operating system for exclusive electronic marketing of final statement of domestic aviation mail transportation for sales agents, it integrates the dual management functions for business operation and marketing audit and it can reserve interfaces for systems for business operation, later settlement and market analysis according to the individual needs of users.


  Product Features:


  Ø    Share information about basic data, blank ticket and marketing revenue management with the mail agent

  Ø    Match, cancel and record the missed tickets and dynamically manage the blank tickets

  Ø    Audit and control the freight rates automatically

  Ø    Through the matches with the pre-contributory values and the related data, effectively control the mistakes of making out surplus bills, making out wrong bills and making out repeated bills etc.

  Ø    Automatically deal with the accounts and finish the settlement allocation for transportation revenue

  Ø    Many kinds of statements and account records are convenient to analyze and audit


  System Benefits:


  Ø    Regulate the revenue management of mail transportation under domestic routes 

  Ø    Increase the revenue settlement efficiency for mail transportation

  Ø    Provide fair market competition chances for mail agents

  Ø    Settle the credit and the debt accurately in time

  Ø    Appropriately manage the funds waited to be settled 


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