Service Charge Settlement System-MCAS
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Product Introduction: 


  The service charge settlement system-MCAS is used to settle the aviation and the non-aviation miscellaneous expenses except the passenger transportation and the freight. The system meets the SIS (Simplified Interline Settlement) standard carried out by the present International Airline Alliance; Meanwhile it is compatible to the settlement of miscellaneous expense under the non-SIS standards. The main functions include: management for making out a bill, audit management, management for airway charges, protocol management, bill management, flexible show of statement and conventional data interface etc.


  Product Features:


  Ø    Make out a bill without paper

  Ø    The electronic bill meets the SIS standard

  Ø    Calculate the costs automatically

  Ø    The strong interface function makes it be capable of connecting with the systems upstream and downstream easily

  Ø    The accessory upload function makes it be capable of changing the paper files into electronic documents and storing them into the system

  Ø    Deal with the bills of SIS members easily

  Ø    It also can audit the bills of non-SIS members

  Ø    Demonstrate the life cycle of the whole bill clearly and accurately


  System Benefits:


  The main function of this system is to settle the charges between the service providers and the airlines. It can realize the automation for making a bill and auditing in maximum and meet the settlement requirements for many kinds of currencies and the system can automatically calculate the sum of each cost according to the protocol. After dealing with the charges, provide the electronic bills and support documents in the format of IS-XML to IS-WEB for settlement according to the SIS standard for the data after settlement. For the data that cannot be settled, since the system contains good compatibility and expandability, it still can provide paper bills or bills in electronic format.


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