Domestic Clearing System
Release Date:2014-06-23 字体大小:  A+      A-


  Product Introduction:


  The domestic clearing system provides the clearing service for the domestic clearing network. This system finishes the clearing works by sections such as collecting and sorting the multimodal transport bill data, auditing the bill, offsetting balance for system, generating letter of notice for payment received balance and clearing. Over the years, based on the domestic clearing network, it changes the bilateral multimodal transport clearing between airlines into multilateral clearing. The domestic clearing system realizes the multimodal transport revenue of airline in the shortest time and reduces the transit time of funds.




  Product Features:


  Ø    Standard, stable and practical

  Ø    Multilateral revenue management technology

  Ø    System security and secrecy control technology

  Ø    The bill data collection provides the handwork pattern and the disk pattern

  Ø    The classification bill checks with the collecting bill automatically

  Ø    The system generates the multilateral offset balance bill that notifies the final payment received to the airline

  Ø    The functions for adding, inquiring and modifying are convenient and practical

  Ø    Standardized data interface




  Product Benefits:


  Ø    Clear the multimodal transport payments among airlines to avoid defaults mutually

  Ø    Quicken the cash flow and reduce the transit time of funds

  Ø    Increase the credibility of airlines

  Ø    It is the precondition for concluding and signing the protocol for multimodal transportation.


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