SOHOTO Hotel Distribution
Release Date:2014-06-25 字体大小:  A+      A-


  As the only GDS (global distribution system provider) in China, TravelSky has been developing and promoting its B2B-mode hotel distribution product SOHOTO since 2005. Designed for more than 20,000 ticket sales outlets nationwide, and the corporate website of ticket agents, this system provides air travel products and services, with hotel distribution products as its main focus. At present, the main distributing means include SOHOTO website (, Eterm, toll-free reservation (400-810-9191).


  So far, SOHOTO has provided the hotel reservation service to China’s nearly 6,000 hotels in 239 cities, and tens of thousands of overseas hotels, along with the strategic cooperation agreements with both international and domestic hotel groups. Through phone, website, Eterm, HBE and other booking channels for conducting hotel reservation services, over 1,500 agents has made cooperation with SOHOTO, and this number is of rapid growth.


  Since 2008, SOHOTO has conducted “agent business” in some boutique hotels in Chinese mainland and international hotels in Hong Kong and Taiwan. It supports cash payment and prepayment by its affiliate partners, thus bringing them more returns.


  In 2008, SOHOTO developed HBE to provide value-added services for its clients, such as agents, medium and small room-reservation centers, online travel sales enterprises, and to support qualified clients to better distribute SOHOTO hotel products through their own e-commerce websites, thus helping them achieve revenue maximization.




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